Hairskeen combines modern European style, with technology presenting you the finest hair loss solutions on the market.
The MicroLines method integrates a micro-fine, nearly “invisible” hair net into the guest’s existing hair. A special bonding ring, made from a crystal polymer material, is gently worked into the guest’s hair. MicroLines have high-grade human hair attached to them, which matches the guest’s existing color and length. The result is a head of natural, voluminous hair! The system is adapted for each specific need and is completely custom for each guest.
There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to pricing. First is the price of the unit/ system. Pricing varies per unit/system. It all depends on what system is going to be right for you. It is not a "one size fits all" system, things to consider are length, density, the color, if it needs to be a custom order, or in some cases if you need more than just the top unit and we need get into adding some hair extensions as well .
Next is going to be the price of the installation and if color or cutting is needed. This also is a price that varies depending on what unit/system you have.
Finally you have maintenance. All maintenance pricing depends on what unit/ system you have.
You can find out all this information and see some demos I have by coming in for a consultation.
If you are interested and want to explore your options please click below to book your consultation.
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Located @ 75-270 Hwy 111 #204 Indian Wells Ca 9221