Scalp Micro-Pigmentation is the art of Pointillism. Pointillism is the art of using dots to create an object or an image which become blended in the viewers eye. You will learn just as I had that the tattoo dots mimic a real hair stubble appearance, and it is my job to know how to layer and blend these dots perfectly to give every single client an amazing new hairline.
There are currently millions of men and women who have cosmetic problems with their scalps and hair resulting from dermatologic and/or genetic conditions, such as intractable alopecia aerate or female genetic balding. Since hair loss is frequently a progressive process, genetic and iatrogenic conditions often become more pronounced over time. Scalp Micro-Pigmentation (SMP) uses a tattoo process in a stippling pattern that mimics hair follicles that are cut close to the scalp.
SMP can be utilized in a variety of ways, greatly expanding cosmetic treatment options for various forms of alopecia. It has great value as part of any effort to make a person's hair appear more plentiful. It is very effective in camouflaging scars.
For early thinning or balding, styling manipulations are the first step taken by people (e.g., comb-over, or bouffant). These styling options evolve over long periods of time as hair loss progresses. Many caucasians with chronic alopecia may change their hair color from dark to light (blonde or light brown), effectively reducing the contrast between a dark hair color and a lighter skin color. Such changes can camouflage or diffuse regional areas of localized alopecia.
To ensure the best results and longevity of your Scalp Micro-Pigmentation (SMP), it is essential for you to follow the aftercare guidelines outlined below.
Before Your Treatment Please Note:
• Shower Before Each Session. You will not be able to wash or wet your scalp for 3-4 days after each treatment you receive.
Post-Treatment Care:
Post-Procedure Restrictions: To minimize the risk of infection and promote optimal healing, patients should avoid activities that may introduce contaminants or place stress on the procedure site. These include prolonged sun exposure, submersion in water (e.g., swimming, hot tubs, saunas), gardening or activities involving soil exposure, and direct contact with animals. The estimated epithelialization and initial healing period is 10-14 days; adherence to these restrictions is essential for proper recovery.
Signs and Symptoms of Infection: Patients should monitor for clinical signs of infection, including but not limited to localized erythema, edema, increased tenderness, lymphangitic streaking, pyrexia, or purulent exudate from the procedure site. If any of these symptoms develop, seek immediate medical evaluation to prevent potential complications.
Treatment Schedule:
• SMP treatments are scheduled 7-10 days apart to allow proper healing between sessions.
Following these instructions will help ensure optimal results and maintain the longevity of your SMP treatment. If you have any questions or concerns during the healing process, please do not hesitate to contact us.